Business Administration/Accounting



ACC 101: Accounting

Credits 4
This course introduces the student to accounting fundamentals. Topics introduced in the course include the full accounting cycle, the handling of cash, the books of original entry, the ledger, working papers, and financial statements.

ACC 102: Accounting II

Credits 4
This course is a continuation of Accounting and emphasizes end of period work, accounting for inventory, prepayments, long-term assets, owners’ equity, calculating depreciation on assets, and other basic concepts in financial accounting.

BAA 201: Business Administration/Accounting Externship

Credits 3
The Business Administration/Accounting externship is a capstone course that is taken in the last quarter of a student’s training. The student will complete 90 hours at an externship site with the goal of applying classroom skills to a real-world environment. The externship is designed to integrate the classroom training and transform it into hands-on application, creating on-the-job experiences.

BLW 201: Business Law

Credits 4
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with law as it relates to business operations. Legal concepts and principles related to contracts, sales, commercial paper, agency and employment, partnerships, corporations, and property are standard in this course.

BUS 101: Introduction to Business

Credits 4
This course is a study of the characteristics and functions of business in a free enterprise environment and how business impacts the economy in which we live. Characteristics studied may include opportunities, organizations, management, marketing, analysis, and any other activity related to general ownership and operation.

CAC 201: Computerized Accounting

Credits 3
This course expands the student’s ability to accomplish accounting functions by exposing students to additional and more complicated accounting functions. Students utilize commonly available software to automate standard accounting procedures.

CAC 202: Computerized Accounting II

Credits 3
This course expands on the concepts learned in Computerized Accounting, and introduces more advanced features of commonly used accounting software.

CAR 201: Career Preparation

Credits 4
This course presents to the student information in the behavioral skills necessary to effectively present himself/herself to potential employers with confidence and professionalism. The student will also have acquired skills which enable him/her to maintain a position. The student will be presented with the skills and tasks of preparing personal resumes, letters of application, thank you letters, and employment applications. Interviewing and job search techniques are also studied.

CMP 101 : English Composition

Credits 4

This course is designed to expand the student’s abilities in written communications. Principles of composition are developed through writing and revising various types of communications. Emphasis is placed on construction and composition, including word usage, grammar, and sentence analysis.

COM 101: Effective Communication

Credits 4
This course is designed to focus on the fundamentals of effective oral communication and the application of the fundamental principles of public speaking. The textbook, lectures, speaking assignments and all written work will acquaint the student with the basic theory and practice of public speaking.

CUR 101: Current Events

Credits 4
This course will cover the current issues affecting our lives today. World, National, and Local news, including areas of economics, political science, government, pop culture, and sports will be discussed. This will be presented with an emphasis placed on how it impacts today’s society.

HRM 201: Human Resource Management

Credits 4
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of human resource management. The class is designed to assist students in developing the appropriate skills necessary to utilize and manage Human Resources in an ever-changing environment. The course framework includes strategic human resource management, staffing, training and development, and compensation.

ITC 101: Introduction to Computers

Credits 4
This course is an introductory course designed to teach students fundamental computer concepts. Students will learn basic computer operations, computer terminology, and basic concepts. Students will receive an overview of various software applications including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications.

LOG 201: Logic and Critical Thinking

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach the practical application of skills necessary to analyze a problem, determine the solutions and options available, and weigh the pros and cons of each to reach a workable solution.

MAT 101: Math

Credits 4
This introductory course reviews basic concepts involving fractions, decimals, metric system, percentages, markup, markdown, payroll and interest. Emphasis is based on practical application of these concepts in business situations.

MCP 201: Management Concepts and Practices

Credits 4
This course acquaints the student with supervisory training in management. The course focuses upon the managerial process and examining the following managerial functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. The student, therefore, views the business world through the eyes of higher management.

PAY 101: Payroll Accounting

Credits 4
This course is a study of various phases of the Social Security Act and other laws relating to the payment of wages and salaries. The basic payroll accounting systems, procedures used in computing wages and salaries, timekeeping methods, and the preparation of payroll tax are covered.

PSY 201: Psychology

Credits 4

Students will explore basic psychological principles and will learn terminology and concepts that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. This course applies the study of psychology to real life situations such as work, school, relationships, and personal well-being.

RAW 101: Research and Writing

Credits 4
This course is designed to introduce students to basic research principles and the relationship to effective and valid writing skills. Emphasis will be placed upon a fundamental understanding of MLA and APA writing formats.

SBF 201: Small Business Finance

Credits 4
This course will cover the fundamentals of financing a small business such as estimating a business's startup costs, developing a cash flow analysis, exploring financial assistance eligibility, using personal assets to finance a business, creating a break even analysis, preparing financial statements, and securing several different types of business loans and grants.

SPA 101: Spreadsheet Applications

Credits 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to spreadsheet application software commonly utilized in the business setting. Topics will include workbooks, linking files and worksheets, charting, database functions and formulas, and templates.

SPA 102: Spreadsheet Applications II

Credits 3
This course is designed to teach students how to create and use multiple worksheets and workbooks efficiently, start working with more advanced formatting options including styles, and themes. Additional topics include creating outlines and subtotals, create and apply cell names, work with tables, and auditing and protection.

SSS 101: Student Success Strategies

Credits 4
This course is designed to present to the student the various skills and techniques that can be employed to achieve academic, interpersonal, and professional success. At the completion of the course, the student will have been introduced to study and test-taking techniques, interpersonal skills, stress management, time management, and motivation.

TAX 201: Fundamentals of Taxation

Credits 4
This course is a study of taxation as it relates to individuals and various types of business with an emphasis on payroll taxes and other related business tariffs. Basic tax forms will be explained in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Real life examples and sample computations will be used to enhance these tax concepts and procedures.