Termination From School/Re-Entry

A student may be terminated from this Institution for “cause” which shall include:  excessive absences, failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to pay tuition when due, violation of student conduct standards, disruption of school activities, harassing or threatening conduct, cheating, stealing, possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs on school premises, violation of drug laws, violation of school or building regulations or catalog requirements/policies, breach of the student’s enrollment agreement failure to comply with staff directives, or otherwise as provided for in the enrollment agreement. In addition, this Institution may, at its exclusive option, terminate any student “without cause” if the Institution deems such action to be in the best interest of the school or its students. Refer to the student enrollment agreement for details.

Students who leave school voluntarily or who are terminated from school during a school term may not receive credit for work attempted during the term.