Pharmacy Technician



ANP 101: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 4
The course will begin with an introduction of the levels of organization and general plan and planes of the body. This will include an overview of basic chemistry, body temperature and metabolism, fluid-electrolyte and acid-base balance, cells, tissues, and membranes. This course will review the integumentary and musculoskeletal systems and topics focusing on abnormal structure and function, and related diseases and disorders. This course will also present the student with an introduction to Microbiology and human disease.

ANP 102: Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 4
This course will review the Cardiovascular, Nervous, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, and Male/Female Genitourinary Systems and topics focusing on abnormal structure and function, and related diseases and disorders.

CAR 201: Career Preparation

Credits 4
This course presents to the student information in the behavioral skills necessary to effectively present himself/herself to potential employers with confidence and professionalism. The student will also have acquired skills which enable him/her to maintain a position. The student will be presented with the skills and tasks of preparing personal resumes, letters of application, thank you letters, and employment applications. Interviewing and job search techniques are also studied.

CMP 101 : English Composition

Credits 4

This course is designed to expand the student’s abilities in written communications. Principles of composition are developed through writing and revising various types of communications. Emphasis is placed on construction and composition, including word usage, grammar, and sentence analysis.

COM 101: Effective Communication

Credits 4
This course is designed to focus on the fundamentals of effective oral communication and the application of the fundamental principles of public speaking. The textbook, lectures, speaking assignments and all written work will acquaint the student with the basic theory and practice of public speaking.

CUR 101: Current Events

Credits 4
This course will cover the current issues affecting our lives today. World, National, and Local news, including areas of economics, political science, government, pop culture, and sports will be discussed. This will be presented with an emphasis placed on how it impacts today’s society.

ITC 101: Introduction to Computers

Credits 4
This course is an introductory course designed to teach students fundamental computer concepts. Students will learn basic computer operations, computer terminology, and basic concepts. Students will receive an overview of various software applications including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications.

LOG 201: Logic and Critical Thinking

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach the practical application of skills necessary to analyze a problem, determine the solutions and options available, and weigh the pros and cons of each to reach a workable solution.

MEL 201: Medical Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians

Credits 4
This course is designed to provide students with the didactic understanding of the legal, moral and ethical aspects of pharmacy. Students will learn the various federal laws and regulations that will apply to them as pharmacy technicians and their various roles within the field. Students will also have the opportunity to explore ethical and moral dilemmas that occur in the pharmacy, and then apply ways to navigate them effectively. Students will be presented different pharmacy scenarios and case studies where they will apply their research skills to create a response essay. State laws will also be explored with emphasis placed on regulations found within the state the student plans to practice.

PCP 201: Pharmacy Technician Practice I

Credits 3
Pharmacy Technician Practice I provides students with the concepts, training, and skills needed to successfully carryout extemporaneous compounding competencies within a pharmacy setting. Students will study didactically prior to completing a number of hands-on lab activities that will allow them to understand and practice non-sterile compounding techniques. Students will apply compounding procedures as it relates to the USP 795 guidelines. Students will also have the opportunity to practice documentation processes and medication fill responsibilities as it relates to extemporaneously compounded products.

PCP 202: Pharmacy Technician Practice II

Credits 3
Pharmacy Technician Practice II provides students with the concepts, training, and skills needed to successfully carryout basic sterile compounding competencies with in a pharmacy setting. Students will study their skills didactically before engaging in a number of hands-on lab activities that will allow them to understand and practice sterile compounding and aseptic techniques. Students will apply compounding procedures as it relates to the USP 797 guidelines. Students will also have the opportunity to practice documentation processes and medication fill responsibilities as it relates to sterile compounded products.

PCP 203: Pharmacy Technician Practice III

Credits 3
Pharmacy Technician Practice III provides students with additional concepts, training, and skills needed to successfully carryout advanced sterile compounding competencies within a pharmacy setting. Students will study their skills didactically before engaging in a number of hands-on lab activities that will allow them to understand and practice advanced sterile compounding and aseptic techniques. Students will apply compounding procedures as it relates to the USP 797 and 800 guidelines. Advanced practiced will include: pediatric and narcotic products as well as chemotherapy and hazardous techniques. Students will top off their skill progression by practicing total parenteral nutrition (TPN) compounding. Students will also have the opportunity to practice documentation processes and medication fill responsibilities as it relates to sterile hazardous compounded products.

PIB 201: Pharmacy Insurance and Billing

Credits 4
Pharmacy Insurance and Billing will introduce students to essential administrative tasks fulfilled by the pharmacy technician in relation to medical insurance and business operations. Emphasis will be placed on the pharmacy billing cycle and insurance claim processing. To establish an understanding of how these tasks are carried out in the pharmacy, students will also learn to navigate and utilize the Pharmacy Management Software found in every pharmacy setting.

PMC 101: Pharmacy Math and Dosage Calculations

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach students both the fundamental and advanced use of mathematical calculations essential to the duties of pharmacy technicians in a variety of settings. This includes applicable conversion methods within different measurement systems, Day’s supply, desired dose, sterile and non-sterile compounded drugs, TPN calculations, flow rate, IV dosages. The learning objectives in this course will play a significant role in the success of the students’ hands on competencies in the clinical practice courses.

PPM 101: Pharmacy Practice Management

Credits 3
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to practice clinical and administrative skills found in various pharmacy settings. Students will develop an understanding of dispensing processes within community and hospital pharmacies as well as practice fundamental skills related to these processes. Students will also develop competencies associated with advanced pharmacy practices such as investigational drug handling, MTM, point-of-care testing, obtaining vitals and patient histories and administering vaccinations. Additionally, this course is designed to instruct students on the collection and organization of information for patient care, drug use review, and departmental management. This course will also present students with the opportunity to check their progress related to certification preparedness and develop an individualized study plan for the PTCE.

PPT 201: Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians

Credits 4
Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I will introduce students to drug classifications, their indications of use and the common conditions they treat within each body system. Students will examine the advantages and disadvantages of the different variables that occur within the medication fill process, such as, dosage forms, routes of administration, interactions, side effects, contraindications, disease states and special populations. Proper use of drug information resources will be discussed and students will apply this knowledge to identify most commonly prescribed medications seen within different pharmacy settings. An emphasis will also be placed on the science of pharmacology, allowing students the opportunity to better grasp the function of medication in the body, in treatment and in the pharmacy.

PPT 202: Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II

Credits 4
Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II will continue to introduce students to drug classifications, their indications of use and the common conditions they treat within each body system. Students will examine the advantages and disadvantages of the different variables that occur within the medication fill process, such as, dosage forms, routes of administration, interactions, side effects, contraindications, disease states and special populations. Additionally, students will study and memorization of drug classifications as they apply to the top prescribed medications.

PSY 201: Psychology

Credits 4

Students will explore basic psychological principles and will learn terminology and concepts that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. This course applies the study of psychology to real life situations such as work, school, relationships, and personal well-being.

PTE 201: Pharmacy Technician Externship

Credits 6.5
The Pharmacy Technician Externship course is taken in the last quarter of the student’s training. The student will complete 200 experiential hours at an externship site with the goal of applying course related skills to a real world environment. The externship is designed to integrate the simulated, lab-practiced training and transform it into hands-on application, creating on-the-job experiences under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

PTF 101: Pharmacy Technician Fundamentals

Credits 4
This course is designed to introduce new students to the practice of pharmacy and the fundamentals vital to the technician role. In addition to a general overview of the pharmacy profession, topics within this course will include pharmacy technician roles within various practice settings, the evolution of drug development, an introduction to pharmacology, an overview of drug routes and formulations, and medication safety. Fundamental development of interpreting medication orders, understanding terminology, memorizing drug names and identifying standard operating procedures will also be a focus of study for this course.

PTO 201: Pharmacy Topics for Technicians

Credits 4
Pharmacy Topics for Technicians is designed to give students a structured approach to preparing for the national certification, specifically the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Exam. Students will develop an understanding of the process and objectives of the assessment as well as access and explore quality study resources. This course will present students with a comprehensive study strategy, check their progress related to certification preparedness and develop an individualized study plan.

RAW 101: Research and Writing

Credits 4
This course is designed to introduce students to basic research principles and the relationship to effective and valid writing skills. Emphasis will be placed upon a fundamental understanding of MLA and APA writing formats.

SSS 101: Student Success Strategies

Credits 4
This course is designed to present to the student the various skills and techniques that can be employed to achieve academic, interpersonal, and professional success. At the completion of the course, the student will have been introduced to study and test-taking techniques, interpersonal skills, stress management, time management, and motivation.

TER 101: Medical Terminology I

Credits 4
This course presents the student with a logical step-by-step method for building a medical vocabulary. It is designed to introduce and provide an understanding of medical root words, secondary word parts, and abbreviations related to directional terms, body structure, and Integumentary, Respiratory, Urinary, Male Reproductive, and Female Reproductive and obstetrics and neonatology body systems and topics. This will allow the student to recognize, spell, pronounce, define, and build medical terms.