Should the institution experience a catastrophic event, which could include, but not necessarily be limited to, a natural disaster, fire, school closure, pandemic, etc, that affects the normal operating procedures of the institution, the following policies and procedures would apply.
- All affected parties should continue to monitor the Institution’s website for up-to-date information.
- The Campus President will act as the Institution’s catastrophic events point of contact. It is recommended that initial contact by all affected parties be made to the Campus President. Contact information will be posted on the Institution’s website.
- Request for student records can be made through the Institution’s website. In the event of school closure, request for student records can be made through the Institution’s state licensing body listed in the school catalog which maintains a central repository for closed school student records.
- Request for transfer assistance can be made to the Campus President or the institution’s state licensing body and/or accrediting agency listed in the school catalog.
- Students who have not completed their program prior to the catastrophic event may be eligible for funds to facilitate transfer to another program or as compensation for services not received. Inquiries into the qualification and availability of these funds may be made to the state’s licensing body listed in the school catalog.