Nursing Re-Admission Requirements

If you are considered a student under the Student Re-Admission definition, then the following applies:

The WVJC policy for re-admission implies that the student will be admitted under the current catalog and therefore the current curriculum and policies. If a student withdraws from WVJC, or if a student should be suspended for any reason, re-admission may be gained by meeting the following requirements:

  1. Be interviewed by the Nursing Program Director and complete an application for readmission.
  2. Meet the general requirements for admission into the Nursing Program.
  3. Re-enroll in any course which had not been completed satisfactorily as outlined in the Institution's catalog
  4. Meet all re-admission requirements contained in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.

Re-admission is not guaranteed. The student's application for re-admission will be evaluated along with the other current applications.

Re-Admission to Nursing from other West Virginia Junior College or East Ohio College Campuses

  1. A student is ONLY permitted to re-enroll twice among all West Virginia Junior College or East Ohio College campuses.
  2. If a student fails to complete the nursing program after the second re-enrollment, he/she must wait 1 year (12 months) before applying for re-admission to the nursing program.  If the applicant is granted re-admission, the student will begin the program from the beginning and must re-take all nursing courses.
  3. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by the College President and Program Director.